OurView Membership Terms & Conditions

Ridgeview Wine Estate award-winning English sparkling wine Sussex




1.1                These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions which apply to your OurView Wine (OurView) membership.

1.2                   We are Ridgeview Winery Contracts Limited, trading as Ridgeview Wine Estate (we, us, our). We are a company registered in England and Wales with company registration number 04266611 and our registered office is at Ridgeview Wine Estate, Fragbarrow Lane, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, Sussex, England, BN6 8TP. Our registered VAT number is GB931805432.

1.3                   You can contact us by telephoning our membership team at 01444 242040 by writing to us at [email protected] or by post to: OurView Membership Manager at Ridgeview Wine Estate, Fragbarrow Lane, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, Sussex, England, BN6 8TP.


2.1                   Your Membership Agreement with us, is made up of:

(a)             your completed online Application Form; and

(b)             these Terms and Conditions.

2.2                   Your Membership Agreement will come into effect when we confirm by email acceptance of your completed Application Form.

2.3                   If you do not receive the confirmation email, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

2.4                   We reserve the right to use our discretion in accepting or denying any OurView membership applications and will notify you in the event we are unable to accept your Application Form.

2.5                   These documents together form a legal binding agreement between you and us, and so please ensure that you read them carefully. If there is anything you do not understand please contact us before submitting your completed Application Form.


3.1                   The following definitions are used in these Terms and Conditions:

Application Form: the online application form in relation to OurView which is completed as part of the application process.

Business Day: Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays in England.


Joining Fee: shall be the joining fee detailed in the Application Form payable at the start of the Membership.

Initial Membership Term: as defined in clause 4.1.


Member: you, the person detailed in the Application Form.


Membership: means the Member’s OurView membership.

Membership Agreement: your completed Application Form and these Terms and Conditions.


Membership Benefits: shall have the meaning in clause 6.2.

Membership Fee: shall be the membership fee detailed in the Application Form payable per Membership Term.

Membership Term: the Initial Membership Term or a Renewed Membership Term, as the context requires.

Renewed Membership Term: as defined in clause 4.1.


Welcome Case: as defined in clause 6.1.

3.2              In these Terms and Conditions, “writing” includes email.


4.1                   Your Membership will start from the date we confirm to you by email that your Application Form has been accepted and the Joining Fee has been paid and will continue for an initial period of 12 months (the Initial Membership Term), thereafter your Membership will auto-renew for further periods of 12 months (each a Renewed Membership Term) unless terminated earlier in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

4.2                   We will contact you before the end of your Membership Term and each Renewed Membership Term to let you know your Membership is about to renew.

4.3                   These Terms and Conditions will apply to any Renewed Membership Term subject to any changes made pursuant to clause 12 or agreed with you in writing.


5.1                   In order to be a Member, you must:

(a)             have completed an Application Form;

(b)             be over the age of 18;

(c)             reside in the UK.

5.2                   We reserve the right to request proof of age and identification whenever we deem it necessary and have the discretion to decline or revoke your Membership if you fail to meet the eligibility criteria in clause 5.1 above.


6.1                   Upon becoming a new Member you will be provided with a welcome case (Welcome Case). Upon receiving your first OurView shipment you will receive a complimentary voucher for two for our Classic Tour & Tasting (subject to its applicable terms and conditions).

6.2                   The Membership entitles you to the following Membership Benefits during the Membership Term:

(a)             Two mixed cases of Ridgeview Wine comprising of six 75cl bottles per case. The wine will be selected by us at our discretion. The first wine case will be delivered on or around the third week of May, and the second wine case will be delivered on or around the third week of November, each Membership Term. Wine will be delivered to the address you have provided in your membership details and it is your responsibility to keep this up to date.

(b)             20% discount on the full range of Ridgeview full price wine.

(c)             10% off food and 20% off Ridgeview wine at the Rows & Vine Restaurant located at Ridgeview Wine Estate, Fragbarrow Lane, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, Sussex, England, BN6 8TP.

(d)             Preferential pricing on gift sets, as notified to you from time to time.

(e)             Access to rare archive wine releases, as notified by us to you, from time to time.

(f)              Priority invitations to all Ridgeview public events and bespoke OurView events (subject to you having not opted out to receive such communications).

(g)             Early bird access and discounted tickets to Ridgefest, as notified to you.

(h)             Bespoke external discounts with our partners as notified by us to you, from time to time.

(i)              Complimentary delivery on all products over the value of £45 purchased and delivered within the UK mainland. Wine shipments outside the UK will not form part of this Membership Benefit, but can be accommodated. For more information and to obtain a quote, please contact [email protected] .

(j)              Access to the membership portal.

6.3                   Any discounts or offers as detailed in clause 6.2, are subject to availability and presentation of your valid membership card. Any discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount, and other terms and conditions may apply.

6.4                   All purchases of products are subject to availability and our standard terms of supply.

6.5                   We reserve the right to not accept orders as per our standard terms of supply.

6.6                   We reserve the right to refuse Membership Benefits at our discretion (providing we are acting reasonably).

6.7                   Where you pay for your Membership annually (as detailed in the Application Form), you will enjoy an additional perk – a complimentary bottle of wine. This wine will be included as a special bonus when you sign up and provided with your Welcome Case.

6.8                   There may from time to time, be additional terms and conditions, which you are required to agree to before accessing the Membership Benefits.  We may also require you to complete forms prior to access of Membership Benefits. These Terms and Conditions relate to your Membership are intended to supplement any other terms or notices provided to you and are not intended to override them.


7.1                   You shall keep all details up to date (including on the membership portal) and notify us promptly in the event your contact details or delivery details change.

7.2                   You shall notify us promptly in the event your membership card is lost or stolen.

7.3                   You will not share your membership with any third party.

7.4                   Replacement membership cards can be provided if lost. You may not be able to get access Membership Benefits if you do not present valid membership card.


8.1                   Details of our current Membership Fees are available on request and will be supplied as part of the application process.

8.2                   As confirmed in your Application Form, you agree to pay the Joining Fee, upon completing your Application Form and Membership Fees either by way of a lump sum payment in advance for the relevant Membership Term or on a bi-annual basis. Where a bi-annual basis is elected, we will collect the Membership Fees in two equal instalments on 1st May and 1st November (or in the event those dates are not Business Days, the next Business Day).

8.3                   Unless we otherwise agree with you, we will collect your payment through GoCardless, whether this be an annual one-off payment or bi-annual direct debits on dates communicated to you. You will be required as part of the application process to register with GoCardless to enable the Membership Fees to be collected. Your payment details will be stored securely using GoCardless.  GoCardless are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide payment services as an Authorised Payment Institution. All money collected is held in a secure client monies account with either the Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank or SEB before being paid out to the merchant you’re paying. For more information on GoCardless please look here https://gocardless.com/

8.4                   If you wish to update bank details, this can be completed through your online portal directly with GoCardless. We are unable to make these changes via phone/email.

8.5                   In the event we are unable to collect payments from you as set out in clause 8.3, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you, using the latest contact details provided by you. If we continue to be unable to collect your Membership Fees, we reserve the right to suspend your Membership (see clause 10.2 below). This will result in you not receiving any Membership Benefits.

8.6                   We will not increase your Membership Fees during your Membership Term. However, we reserve the right to increase your Membership Fees with effect from the start of a Renewed Membership Term. We will notify you by email of any changes we intend to make to our Membership Fees at least 30 days before the change comes into effect, and if you do not agree to this you can terminate your membership as detailed in clause 9.1.


9.1                   You have 14 days from your membership being confirmed and from the commencement of each Renewed Membership Term, to change your mind about your membership. Where you change your mind, you shall notify us by email and we will refund you any Membership Fees paid. In the event wine has been delivered to you, you are required to return (at your cost) such wine to us within 14 days of cancelling your membership. We will then refund you any standard delivery charges. If wine has been opened or unsealed following its delivery, we will not accept such returns and you will be charged for such wine.

9.2                   You can cancel your Membership during a Membership Term at any time by providing notice in writing, such cancellation shall (subject to clause 9.4), take effect immediately following the processing of your cancellation.

9.3                   We will only refund you Membership Fees paid in advance, if you have cancelled your Membership prior to the expiration of a Membership Term for one of the following reasons:

(a)             You are exercising your right to cancel as set out in clause 9.1; or

(b)             we notify you of a significant change to these Terms and Conditions, and or the Membership Benefits; or

(c)             we commit a serious breach of your Membership Agreement.

9.4                   Any refund we provide you of Membership Fees pursuant to clause 9.3 (b) or (c), will be on a pro rata basis.

9.5                   Subject to clause 9.1, where you cancel your Membership during the months of April or October in a Membership Year, we will have already processed your next bi-annual wine delivery pursuant to clause 6.2 (a). As such your request to cancel your Membership will be effective following the delivery (and payment) of such wine delivery and such payments will be collected.

9.6                   If you seek to cancel your Membership without giving reason or for any reason other than those listed in clause 9.3 or 9.8, we will refund you Membership Fees paid in advance on a pro rata basis, but we reserve the right to retain a proportion of the money which you have paid us under this Membership Agreement to cover any reasonable costs we have incurred as a result or any value of the benefit of the membership you have enjoyed.

9.7                   To cancel your Membership, you must notify us of your intention to cancel through the membership portal.

9.8                   We will cancel your Membership and refund any Membership Fees you have paid in respect of the remainder of the Membership Term if we receive official notice (for example, from the executors of your Will or from your bank) that you have died.

9.9              Where you pay for your membership on a bi-annual basis, you are permitted to skip one wine case shipment per Membership Term or Renewed Term.  Where you skip a shipment, this will need to have been requested at least 2 months prior to the shipment date in order to be accepted by us. In such case, we will revise your Membership Fees accordingly.


10.1                 We may cancel your Membership at any time by giving you 30 days’ prior notice in writing. If this happens, we will refund you any Membership Fees you have paid in advance (on a pro rata basis) following termination.

10.2                 We may suspend your Membership at any time or cancel your Membership without giving you notice, if:

(a)             you seriously or repeatedly break these Terms and Conditions; or

(b)             you allow others to use your Membership to gain access to the Membership Benefits (unless you have notified us in writing in advance that your membership card has been lost or stolen);

(c)             You engage in any conduct that may harm our reputation or business; or

(d)             you fail to make payment of the Joining Fee and/or Membership Fees in accordance with the applicable payment terms.

10.3                 We may cancel your Membership at any time by giving you notice if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements of your Membership.

10.4                 If we suspend or terminate your Membership for any of the reasons set out in clause 10.2 or 10.3 we reserve the right to retain a proportion of the money which you have paid us under this Membership Agreement to cover any reasonable costs we have incurred as a result.

10.5                 Where your Membership terminates for any reason:

(a)             You shall at our request, return or destroy your membership card;

(b)             cease to have access to, or otherwise use, the Membership Benefits including access to the member’s portal, following the date of termination.

10.6            On termination or expiry of this Membership Agreement, the following clauses shall continue in force: clause 8, clause 10, clause 11, clause 13 and clause 14.

10.7                 Termination or expiry of this Membership Agreement shall not affect any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination or expiry, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of the Membership Agreement which existed at or before the date of termination or expiry.


11.1                 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or limits our liability for:

(a)             death or personal injury caused by our negligence or that of our staff; or

(b)             fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

(c)             any other liability which we cannot exclude or limit by law.

11.2                 We are responsible for carrying out our obligations under the Membership Agreement to a reasonable standard and complying with the duties imposed on us by law. We will compensate you for any loss or damage you may suffer if we fail to carry out our obligations under the Membership Agreement to a reasonable standard or breach any duties imposed on us by law (including if we cause the death or personal injury to you by our negligence) unless that failure is attributable to:

(a)             your own fault;

(b)             a third party unconnected with our provision of services under the Membership Agreement; or

(c)             events which we could not have foreseen or forestalled even if we had taken reasonable care.

11.3                 Subject to clause 11.1, our liability to you is limited to 150% of the total amount paid by you for your Membership in the 12 months preceding the first incident out of which the liability arose. That limit will apply separately to each event, or related series of events, which gives rise to our liability to you.


12.1                 We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions. We will, where reasonably possible give you notice of any significant changes we plan to make to these Terms and Conditions that will negatively affect you by email. If you do not agree to these changes, you can cancel your Membership in accordance with clause 9.

12.2                 We can make changes to the Membership Benefits we provide, and we will give you advance notice (where possible) of any such changes. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by these changes unless the loss or damage is caused by our negligence.


13.1                 We will only process personal information you give us in accordance with applicable data protection laws and our Privacy Policy. You can see our full Privacy Policy on our website at https://www.ridgeview.co.uk/privacy/ This explains what personal information we may collect from or about you, how we use it and why, who we may share it with and how to exercise your rights under data protection laws in relation to the personal data we hold about you.

13.2                 As part of your membership application, you had the option to opt into receiving exclusive offers and discounts, for members only as part of your Membership. You have the right to ask us to stop sending you such marketing messages at any time by contacting us at  [email protected] or by following the unsubscribe link on the relevant communication .

13.3                 Where you opt out of receiving these messages, this may mean you will no longer receive exclusive offers, this will not affect your Membership nor will it entitle you to any discount in your Membership Fees, you just will not receive this additional benefit.  Where you opt out of receiving these messages, it does not mean we will cease processing your personal data for other purposes in connection with your Membership, they will continue, including where we process your personal data in respect of any products, we supply to you.


15.1               Your Gifted Membership will start from the date the Annual payment has been made and will continue for an initial period of 12 months (the Initial Membership Term), thereafter you will be contacted in the likelihood that you wish your Membership to continue for further periods of 12 months (each a Renewed Membership Term) unless terminated earlier in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

15.2               We will contact you before the end of your gifted Membership Term to onboard into a full term Ourview Wine Club member and thereafter each Renewed Membership Term to let you know your Membership is about to renew.

15.3                These Terms and Conditions will apply to any Renewed Membership Term subject to any changes made pursuant to clause 12 or agreed with you in writing.



14.1                 Conflict: In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the Application Form, the provisions in the Application Form shall prevail.

14.2                 Waiver: We might not immediately chase you for not doing something or for doing something you or your Guests are not permitted to do, but that doesn’t mean we waive our right to do it later.

14.3                 Assignments: This Membership Agreement is personal to the parties. You shall not assign or transfer or deal in any other matter with any of your rights and obligations under the Membership Agreement without our consent. We may need to assign our rights and obligations under this Membership Agreement, where we do so, we will notify you of this.



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